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21 DMV Questions of Hazard Awareness

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1. Another driver does something that upsets you. You should:

A. Try not to react
B. Let them know how you feel
C. Flash your headlights several times
D. Sound your horn

2. You take the wrong route and find you are on a one-way street. You should:

A. Reverse out of the road
B. Turn round in a side road
C. Continue to the end of the road
D. Reverse into a driveway

3. When must you stop at this junction?

A. During rush hours only
B. Only when the area is busy
C. When turning right only
D. At all times

4. You become ill. A doctor prescribes drugs, which are likely to affect your driving. You should:

A. Drive only if someone is with you
B. Not drive yourself
C. Never drive at more than 30 kph

5. Your doctor has given you a course of medicine. Why should you ask if it is OK to drive?

A. Drugs make you a better driver by quickening your reactions
B. You will have to let your insurance company know about the medicine
C. Some types of medicine can cause your reactions to slow down
D. The medicine you take may affect your hearing

6. You are taking drugs that are likely to affect your driving. What should you do?

A. Seek medical advice before driving
B. Limit your driving to essential journeys
C. Only drive if accompanied by a full licence-holder
D. Drive only for short distances

7. You MUST wear glasses or contact lenses when driving on public roads if:

A. You are the holder of an orange badge
B. You cannot read a vehicle number plate from a distance of 36 meters (120 feet) without them
C. There is an eyesight problem in your family
D. You cannot read a vehicle number plate from distance of 20.5 meters (67 feet) without them

8. A driver can only read a number plate at the required distance with glasses on. The glasses should be worn:

A. All the time when driving
B. Only when driving long distances
C. Only when reversing
D. Only in poor visibility

9. An elderly person’s driving ability could be affected because they may be unable to:

A. Obtain car insurance
B. Understand road signs
C. React very quickly
D. Give signals correctly

10. If you are feeling tired it is best to stop as soon as you can. Until then you should:

A. Increase your speed to find a stopping place quickly
B. Ensure a supply of fresh air
C. Gently tap the steering wheel
D. Keep changing speed to improve concentration

11. You have been taking medicine for a few days, which made you feel drowsy. Today you feel better but still need to take the medicine. You should only drive:

A. If your journey is necessary
B. At night on quiet roads
C. If someone goes with you
D. After checking with your doctor

12. Your reaction will be much slower when driving:

A. If tired
B. In fog
C. Too quickly
D. In rain

13. You are invited to a pub lunch. You know that you will have to drive in the evening. What is your best course of action?

A. Avoid mixing your alcoholic drinks
B. Not drink any alcohol at all
C. Have some milk before drinking alcohol
D. Eat a hot meal with your alcohol drinks

14. What is the maximum permissible alcohol level above which, a driver must not drive?

A. Breath alcohol level of 25 mg/100ml or blood alcohol level of 70mm/100ml.
B. Breath alcohol level of 35 mg/100ml or blood alcohol level of 80mm/100ml.
C. Breath alcohol level of 35 mg/100ml or blood alcohol level of 90mm/100ml.
D. Breath alcohol level of 20 mg/100ml or blood alcohol level of 60mm/100ml.

15. You see this sign ahead. You should expect the road to:

A. Go steeply downhill
B. Go steeply downhill
C. Bend sharply to the left
D. Bend sharply to the right

16. You are about to drive home. You cannot find the glasses you need to wear when driving. You should:

A. Drive home slowly, keeping to quite roads
B. Borrow a friend’s glasses and drive home
C. Drive home at night
D. Find a way of getting home without driving

17. What advice should you give to a driver who has had a few alcoholic drinks at a party?

A. Have a strong cup of coffee and then drive home
B. Drive home carefully and slowly
C. Go home by public transport
D. Wait a short while and then drive home

18. A car driver pulls out causing you to brake. You should:

A. Keep calm and not retaliate
B. Overtake and sound your horn
C. Drive close behind and sound your horn
D. Flag the driver down and explain the mistake

19. How does alcohol affect your driving?

A. It speeds up your reactions
B. It increases your awareness
C. It improves your coordination
D. It reduces your concentration

20. A driver pulls out of a side road in front of you. You have to brake hard. You should

A. Ignore the error and stay calm
B. Flash your lights to show your annoyance
C. Sound your horn to show your annoyance
D. Overtake as soon as possible

21. You go to a social event and need to drive a short time after. What precautions should you take?

A. Avoid drinking alcohol on an empty stomach
B. Drink plenty of coffee after drinking alcohol
C. Avoid drinking alcohol completely
D. Drink plenty of milk before drinking alcohol

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