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41 DMV Questions of Attitude

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1. 'Tailgating' usually means

A. Using the rear door of a hatchback car
B. Reversing into a parking space
C. Following another vehicle too closely
D. Driving with rear fog lights on

Explanation : tailgating, or following too closely behind another vehicle is a dangerous practice.

2. When are you permitted to exceed the maximum speed limit?

A. Between midnight and 6 am
B. At no time
C. When overtaking
D. When the road is clear

Explanation : should never exceed the maximum speed limit of the road or of your vehicle

3. When being followed by an ambulance showing a flashing blue light you should:

A. Pull over as soon as safely possible to let it pass
B. Accelerate fast to get away from it
C. Maintain your speed and course
D. Brake harshly and immediately stop in the road

Explanation : give way to those emergency vehicles, but remember to make it safe and not cause obstruction to other road users.

4. When you are overtaking a horse and rider you should:

A. Sound your horn as a warning
B. Go past as quickly as possible
C. Flash your headlights as a warning
D. Go past slowly and carefully

Explanation : drive slowly with extra care when passing by living animals, like horse, dog, cat, etc

5. Which of the following cars will use blue flashing beacons?

A. Motorway maintenance
B. Doctor on call
C. Police patrol
D. Breakdown recovery

Explanation : Only emergency vehicles can be fitted with a blue flashing light, or anything that looks like a blue flashing light. such as vehicles for the service of Fire, police, ambulance, coastguard, bomb disposal, mountain rescue etc

6. You should ONLY flash your headlights to other road users

A. To show that you are giving way
B. To show that you are about to reverse
C. To tell the that you have right of way
D. To let them know that you are there

Explanation : flashing your headlights to make your presence to be more obvious for other road users

7. You are driving a slow moving car on a narrow road. When traffic wishes to overtake you should

A. Take no action
B. Put your hazard warning lights on
C. Stop immediately and wave it on
D. Pull in safely as soon as you can do so

Explanation : safety is 1st priority, and at the same time try to keep a smooth traffic flow

8. You are driving behind a large vehicle. It signals left but steers to the right. You should:

A. Slow down and let the vehicle turn
B. Drive on, keeping to the left
C. Overtake on the right of it
D. Hold your speed and sound your horn

Explanation : large vehicle need more space to make a turn

9. You are driving a slow moving car on a narrow winding road. In order to let other vehicles overtake you should

A. Wave to them to pass
B. Pull in safely when you can
C. Show a left turn signal
D. Keep left and hold your speed

Explanation : safety is the 1st priority.

10. You are driving along a narrow country road. A horse and rider are approaching. What should you do?

A. Increase your speed and sound the horn
B. Flash your headlights
C. Drive slowly and allow enough room
D. Rev your engine

Explanation : be considerate and safe when sharing road with others, slow down and stop if necessary to let them pass

11. Which of the following are at greatest risk from other road users?

A. Motorcycles
B. Lorry drivers
C. Learner car drivers
D. Busy bus drivers

Explanation : fast speed and small size make motorcycles be more vulnerable

12. You stopped for pedestrians waiting to cross at a zebra crossing. They did not start to cross. What should you do?

A. Be patient and wait
B. Sound your horn
C. Drive on
D. Wave them to cross

Explanation : always be patient and considerate at zebra cross, not only because pedestrians have the right of way.

13. You are driving at the legal speed limit. A vehicle comes up quickly behind, flashing its headlights. You should:

A. Accelerate to make a gap behind you
B. Touch the brakes to show your brake lights
C. Maintain your speed to prevent the vehicle from overtaking
D. Allow the vehicle to overtake

Explanation : give room for it to pass by, if it safe to do so.

14. You are approaching a pelican crossing. The amber light is showing. You MUST:

A. Give way to pedestrians who are crossing
B. Encourage pedestrians to cross
C. Not move until the green light appears
D. Stop even if the crossing is clear

Explanation : amber light indicates the signal is about to change to be red, you should stop

15. In fast moving traffic a two-second gap may be enough only when conditions are:

A. Dry
B. Wet
C. Damp
D. Foggy

Explanation : when road is wet, the stopping distance will be doubled. so on dry road a 2-second gap will be ok, but on wet road, you should leave a 4-second gap.

16. You have stopped at a pedestrian (zebra) crossing to allow pedestrians to cross.You should:

A. Wait until they have crossed
B. Edge your vehicle forward slowly
C. Wait, revving your engine
D. Signal to pedestrians to cross

Explanation : be patient and stay courteous, every journey will be a pleasant one

17. You are driving along the road. A van cuts in close in front of you. What should you do?

A. Accelerate to get closer to the van
B. Give a long blast on the horn
C. Drop back to leave the correct separation distance
D. Flash your headlights several times

Explanation : give room and leave a safe following distance

18. A long, heavy lorry is taking a long time to overtake. What should you do?

A. Speed up
B. Slow down
C. Hold your speed
D. Change direction

Explanation : be patient, allow more time and room for these type of vehicles

19. Why should you use your horn?

A. To alert others of danger
B. To allow you right of way
C. To greet other road users
D. To signal your annoyance

Explanation : horn is used to alert road users about possible developing danger

20. You are driving a slow moving car on a narrow winding road.You should

A. Keep well out to stop vehicles overtaking dangerously
B. Wave following vehicles past you if you think they can overtake quickly
C. Pull in safely when you can, to let following vehicles overtake
D. Give a left signal when it is safe for vehicles to overtake you

Explanation : safety is 1st priority, and at the same time try not to cause obstruction to other road users

21. Which of the following statements relates to Tailgating

A. Driving too close to the vehicle in front creating a hazardous situation in that if it had to stop suddenly, you will be unable to avoid a collision.
B. Driving so close and in such a way that you bully and intimidate the vehicle in front to force it to speed up or get out of your way
C. Swerving from lane to lane and getting as close to the vehicle in front so you get to your destination faster.
D. Park too close to the tail lift platform of a truck.

Explanation : do not follow too closely to the vehicles in front.

22. You are driving at the legal speed limit. A vehicle behind tries to overtake. Should you try to prevent the driver overtaking?

A. No, unless it is safe to do so
B. Yes, because the other driver is acting dangerously
C. No, not at any time
D. Yes, because the other driver is breaking the law

Explanation : try to give way to other road users when it is safe to do so

23. At Pedestrian (zebra) crossing you should___

A. Rev your engine to encourage pedestrians to cross quickly
B. Park only on the zigzag lines on the left
C. Always leave it clear in traffic queues
D. Wave pedestrians to cross if you intend to wait for them

Explanation : be patient and considerate at zebra crossing, not only because pedestrians have the right of way.

24. A pelican crossing that crosses the road in a STRAIGHT line and has a central traffic island MUST be treated as:

A. One crossing in daylight only
B. One complete crossing
C. Two separate crossings
D. Two crossings during darkness

Explanation : a central traffic island does not divide apart the pelican crossing

25. You are waiting in a traffic queue at night.To avoid dazzling the drivers behind, you should:

A. Apply the handbrake only
B. Apply the footbrake only
C. Switch off your headlights
D. Use both the handbrake and footbrake

Explanation : the brake light will be switched on when using the footbrake

26. A two - second gap between yourself and the car in front is usually sufficient when conditions are:

A. Wet
B. Good
C. Damp
D. Foggy

Explanation : attitude

27. You are following a lorry or truck. You should keep well back from it to:

A. Give you a good view of the road ahead
B. Stop following traffic from rushing through the junction
C. Prevent traffic behind you from overtaking
D. Allow you to hurry through the traffic lights if they change

Explanation : following too closely to those large vehicle like lorry or truck is dangerous, it might block your view to the road conditions ahead

28. You are driving on a clear night. There is a steady stream of oncoming cars. The national speed limit applies. Which lights should you use?

A. Full beam headlight
B. Sidelights
C. Dipped headlights
D. Fog lights

Explanation : dip your headlights when meeting other vehicles and cyclists. high beam may dazzle the other drivers and cause danger

29. You are approaching a zebra crossing.Pedestrians are waiting to cross. You should:

A. Give way to elderly and infirm only
B. Slow down and prepare to stop
C. Use your headlights to indicate they can cross
D. Wave at them to cross the road

Explanation : Pedestrians have the right of way at zebra crossing

30. You should never wave or urge people across at pedestrian crossing because

A. There may be another vehicle coming
B. They may not be looking
C. It is safer for you to carry on
D. They may not be ready to cross

Explanation : be patient and stay safe, not only for yourself but also for other road users

31. When at a pelican crossing the amber light means you MUST

A. Stop and wait, proceed only when the green light is on.
B. Stop and wait, proceed when the red light is on.
C. Give way to pedestrians waiting to cross
D. Give way to pedestrians already on the crossing

Explanation : amber light indicates the signal is about to change to be red, you should stop and wait for your turn to proceed

32. Following a large vehicle too closely is unwise because:

A. Your brakes will overheat
B. Your view ahead is increased
C. Your engine will overheat
D. Your view ahead is reduced

Explanation : attitude

33. A bus has stopped at a bus stop ahead of you. Its right-hand indicator is flashing. You should

A. Flash your headlights and slow down
B. Slow down and give way if it is safe to do so
C. Sound your horn and keep going
D. Slow down and then sound your horn

Explanation : Be patient and considerate for buses when they need to alight or load passengers. sound your horn only when it is necessary to prevent accidents.

34. You are following a vehicle on a wet and slippery road. You should leave a time gap of at least

A. One second
B. Two seconds
C. Three seconds
D. Four seconds

Explanation : when the road is wet, stopping distance will double.

35. You may use the 'Two-Second Rule'

A. Before restarting the engine after it has stalled
B. To keep a safe gap from the vehicle in front
C. Before using the Mirror-Signal-manoeuvre routine
D. When emerging on wet roads

Explanation : Two-Second Rule is used to ensure a safe gap between you and the vehicle in front. too closely following a vehicle is dangerous.

36. You wish to turn right ahead. Why should you take up the proper position in good time?

A. To allow other drivers to pull out in front of you
B. To give a better view into the road that you are joining
C. To help other road users know what you intend to do
D. To allow drivers to pass you on the right

Explanation : it is essential and important to let others know your intension as early as possible to prevent wrong perception and accidents

37. A car pulls out in front of you at a junction. What should you do?

A. Swerve past it and blow your horn
B. Flash your headlights and drive up close behind
C. Slow down and be ready to stop
D. Accelerate past it immediately

Explanation : do not overtake other vehicles when approaching a junction.

38. You are in a line of traffic. The driver behind you is following very closely. What action should you take?

A. Ignore the following driver and continue to drive within the speed limit
B. Slow down, gradually increasing the gap between you and the vehicle in front
C. Signal left and wave the following driver past
D. Move over to a position just left of the centre line of the road

Explanation : allow room for the vehicle to overtake

39. You are driving in traffic at the speed limit for the road. The driver behind is going to overtake. You should:

A. Move closer to the car ahead, so the driver behind has no room to overtake
B. Wave the driver behind to overtake when it is safe
C. Keep a steady course and allow the driver behind to overtake
D. Accelerate to get away from the driver behind

Explanation : safety is the 1st priority, at the same time try to keep a smooth traffic flow and give room for others

40. When should you give signals?

A. At all times in order to alert other road users of your intended actions.
B. To give you priority over other traffic when changing lanes or before pulling out.
C. In traffic only during the hours of darkness or in bad weather.
D. Only when joining a dual carriageway from a slip road so you don’t have to give way

Explanation : It is important to let other road users to know your intension.

41. You are driving at night on an dark, unlit road following a slower moving vehicle. You should:

A. Flash your headlights
B. Use dipped beam headlights
C. Switch off you headlights
D. Use full beam headlights

Explanation : The front driver might be dazzled by the bright headlights reflected from their rear view or wing mirror.

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