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100 DMV Questions of Miscellaneous

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1. When may you reverse from a side-road into a main road?

A. Only if both roads are clear of traffic
B. Not at any time
C. At any time
D. Only if the main road is clear of traffic

2. The safest place to park your vehicle at night is

A. In a garage
B. On a quiet side street
C. On a drivway
D. In a carpark

3. After buying a secondhand vehicle you should tell the licensing authority

A. Immediately
B. After 14 days
C. When you sell the vehicle
D. Before an MOT

4. At a puffin crossing which light won't you see?

A. Red
B. Flashing amber
C. Green
D. Steady amber

5. The reaction time of most drivers is over:

A. 0.5 second
B. 1 second
C. 2 seconds
D. 3 seconds

6. You must NOT sound your horn

A. Between 10 pm and 6 am in a built-up area
B. At any time in a built-up area
C. Between 11.30 pm and 7 am in a built-up area
D. Between 11.30 pm and 6 am on any road

7. You should never wave people across at pedestrian crossings because

A. There may be another vehicle coming
B. They may not be looking
C. It is safer for you to carry on
D. They may not be ready to cross

8. You are driving through a tunnel. There has been a collision and the car in front is on fire and blocking the road. What should you do?

A. Overtake and continue as quickly as you can
B. Lock all the doors and windows
C. Switch on the hazard warning lights
D. Stop and then reverse out of the tunnel

9. When should you especially check the engine oil level?

A. On a cold morning
B. Every 5000 miles
C. Before starting a long journey
D. Before an MOT test

10. When driving in falling snow you should

A. Brake firmly and quickly
B. Be ready to steer sharply
C. Use sidelights only
D. Brake gently in plenty of time

11. When driving through a tunnel you should

A. Look out for variable message signs
B. Use your air conditioning system
C. Switch on your rear fog lights
D. Always use your windscreen wipers

12. A strong crosswind is least likely to affect which of these vehicles?

A. Cyclists
B. Cars
C. High-sided vehicles
D. Motorcycles

13. A driver does something that upsets you. You should

A. Try not to react
B. Let them know how you feel
C. Flash your headlights several times
D. Sound your horn

14. Why should you make sure your indicators are cancelled after turning?

A. To avoid flattening the battery
B. To avoid misleading other road users
C. To avoid damage to the indicator relay
D. To avoid dazzling other road users

15. How can you use the engine of your vehicle to control your speed?

A. By changing to a lower gear
B. By selecting reverse gear
C. By changing to a higher gear
D. By selecting neutral

16. Supertrams or Light Rapid Transit (LRT) systems are environmentally friendly because

A. They use diesel power
B. They use quieter roads
C. They use electric power
D. They do not operate during rush hour

17. On a motorway traffic signs are mostly which colour?

A. Red
B. Blue
C. Green
D. Purple

18. You are approaching a crossroads. The traffic lights have failed. What should you do?

A. Brake and stop only for large vehicles
B. Brake sharply to a stop before looking
C. Be prepared to brake sharply to a stop
D. Be prepared to stop for any traffic

19. Following a collision someone has suffered a burn. The burn needs to be cooled. What is the shortest time it should be cooled for?

A. 5 minutes
B. 10 minutes
C. 15 minutes
D. 20 minutes

20. A strong cross wind is least likely to affect which of these vehicles?

A. Cyclists
B. Cars
C. High-sided vehicles
D. Motorcycles

21. To correct a rear-wheel skid you should

A. Not steer at all
B. Steer away from it
C. Steer into it
D. Apply your handbrake

22. You are towing a caravan. Which is the safest type of rear-view mirror to use?

A. Interior wide-angle mirror
B. Extended-arm side mirrors
C. Ordinary door mirrors
D. Ordinary interior mirror

23. You go to a social event and need to drive a short time afterwards. What precaution should you take?

A. Avoid drinking alcohol on an empty stomach
B. Drink plenty of coffee after drinking alcohol
C. Avoid drinking alcohol completely
D. Drink plenty of milk before drinking alcohol

24. At a puffin crossing, which colour follows the green signal of the traffic lights?

A. Steady red
B. Flashing amber
C. Steady amber
D. Flashing green

Explanation : traffic light signales are for drivers, and pedestrian crossing signales are for pedestrians.

25. You can use the engine of your vehicle as a brake by

A. By selecting fifth gear
B. By selecting a lower gear
C. By turning the engine off
D. By travelling with the clutch pressed down

26. For a driver, what doe the term Blind Spot mean?

A. The area covered by the rear view mirror
B. The area covered by your left mirror
C. An area not seen in your mirrors
D. An area immediately behind the car

27. It is illegal to drive with tyres that

A. Have a large, deep cut in the side wall
B. Are of different makes
C. Were bought second-hand
D. Are more than three years old

28. When driving through a ford or floodwater, what gear should you be in?

A. First or second
B. Third
C. Fourth
D. Fifth

29. A trailer must stay securely hitched up to the towing vehicle. What additional safety device can be fitted to the trailer braking system?

A. Stabiliser
B. Jockey wheel
C. Corner steadies
D. Breakaway cable

30. Motorcars must first have an MOT certificate when they are

A. One year old
B. Three years old
C. Five years old
D. Seven years old

31. In which place must you NOT park?

A. In a one-way street
B. At a bus stop
C. Near a police station
D. In a country lane

32. Why, on a windy day, should you allow extra room when overtaking a motor cyclist?

A. The rider may be blown into your path
B. The rider may be forced to stop suddenly
C. You will have less control over your vehicle
D. You will be travelling faster than normal

33. You MUST obey signs giving orders. These signs are mostly in

A. Green rectangles
B. Red Triangles
C. Blue rectangles
D. Red circles

34. When going straight ahead at a roundabout you should

A. Indicate left before leaving the roundabout
B. Not indicate at any time
C. Indicate right when approaching the roundabout
D. Indicate left when approaching the roundabout

35. When emerging from junctions, which is most likely to obstruct your view?

A. Windscreen pillars
B. Steering wheel
C. Interior mirror
D. Windscreen wipers

36. You are about to drive home but you can't find the glasses you need to wear. You should:

A. Drive home without going faster than 30 mph
B. Drive home at night so that the lights will help you
C. Find a way of getting home without driving
D. Only drive on minor roads

37. What is the national speed limit for cars and motorcycles when travelling in the right-hand lane of a motorway?

A. 80 mph
B. 70 mph
C. 60 mph
D. 50 mph

38. What is the meaning of this sign?

A. Humps on the road
B. Humpback bridge
C. Uneven road surface
D. Risk of grounding

39. A learner driver you are following stalls at a junction. What should you do?

A. Sound your horn and flash your lights
B. Steer around them and drive on
C. Be patient and wait for them to move on
D. Shout instructions

40. When driving in snow it is best to keep in as high a gear as possible. Why is this?

A. To help you slow down quickly when you brake
B. To help prevent wheelspin
C. So that wheelspin does not cause your engine to run too fast
D. To leave a lower gear available in case of wheelspin

41. What is the meaning of this sign?

A. Entry into a 20 mph zone
B. End of a 20 mph zone
C. Minimum speed 20 mph

42. You are turning left into a side road. What hazards should you be especially aware of?

A. One-way street
B. Pedestrians
C. Traffic congestion
D. Parked vehicles

43. The national speed limit for cars and motorcycles on a single carriageway road is?

A. 30 mph
B. 40 mph
C. 50 mph
D. 60 mph

44. Why could keeping the clutch down or selecting neutral for long periods of time be dangerous?

A. Fuel spillage will occur
B. Engine damage may be caused
C. You will have less steering and braking control
D. It will wear tyres out more quickly

45. You will use more fuel if your tyres are

A. Under-inflated
B. Of different makes
C. Over-inflated
D. New and hardly used

46. If a trailer swerves or snakes when you are towing it you should

A. Ease off the accelerator and reduce your speed
B. Let go of the steering wheel and let it correct itself
C. Brake hard and hold the pedal down
D. Increase your speed as quickly as possible

47. You are driving down a long steep hill. You suddenly notice that your brakes are not working as well as normal. What is the usual cause of this?

A. The brakes overheating
B. Air in the brake fluid
C. Oil on the brakes
D. Badly adjusted

48. After passing your driving test, you suffer from ill health. This affects your driving. You MUST

A. Inform your local police station
B. Avoid using motorways
C. Always drive accompanied
D. Inform the licensing authority

49. You stop at a pelican crossing. The amber light begins to flash as a pedestrian steps onto the crossing. You should

A. Give way to the pedestrian
B. Continue ahead
C. Move on as soon as the lights turn green
D. Beep your horn at the pedestrian

50. Motorcyclists will often look round over their right shoulder just before turning right. This is because

A. They need to listen for following traffic
B. Motorcycles do not have mirrors
C. Look around helps them balance as they turn
D. They need to check for traffic in their blind area

51. When travelling in very heavy rain your overall stopping distance is likely to be

A. The same as normal
B. Trebled
C. Doubled
D. Quadrupled

Explanation : MTST2 13.

52. There has been a collision. A motorcyclist is lying injured and unconscious. Unless it's essentially why should you usually NOT attempt to remove their helmet?

A. Because they may not want you to
B. This could result in more serious injury
C. They will get too cold if you do this
D. Because you could scratch the helmet

53. You are driving on a clear night. The road is busy with traffic. Which lights should you use?

A. Sidelights
B. Dipped headlights
C. Full beam headlights
D. Interior light

54. To drive on the road learners MUST

A. Have no penalty points on their licence
B. Have taken professional instruction
C. Have a signed, valid provisional licence
D. Apply for a driving test within 12 months

55. You are in a line of traffic. The driver behind you is following very closely. What action should you take?

A. Ignore the following driver and continue to travel within the speed limit
B. Slow down, gradually increasing the gap between you and the vehicle in front
C. Signal left and wave the following driver past
D. Move over to a position just left of the centre line of the road

56. What does the term 'blind spot' mean for a driver?

A. An area covered by your right-hand mirror
B. An area not covered by your headlights
C. An area covered by your left-hand mirror
D. An area not covered by your mirrors

57. You are approaching a pelican crossing. The amber light is flashing. You must

A. Give way to pedestrians who are crossing
B. Encourage pedestrians to cross
C. Not move until the green light appears
D. Stop even if the crossing is clear

Explanation : At pelican crossings, these are signal-controlled crossings where flashing amber follows the red Stop light. You MUST stop when the red light shows. When the amber light is flashing, you MUST give way to any pedestrians on the crossing. If the amber light

58. Before overtaking a large vehicle you should keep well back. Why is this?

A. To give acceleration space to overtake quickly on blind spots
B. To get the best view of the road ahead
C. To leave a gap in case the vehicle stops and rolls back
D. To offer other drivers a safe gap if they want to overtake you

59. You have been convicted of driving whilst unfit through drink or drugs. You will find this is likely to cause the cost of one of the following to rise considerably. Which one?

A. Road fund licence
B. Insurance premiums
C. Vehicle test certificate
D. Driving licence

60. An MOT certificate is normally valid for

A. Three years after the date it was issued
B. 10,000 miles
C. One year after the date it was issued
D. 30,000 miles

61. The vehicle you are driving pulls to one side when you brake. What is the most likely cause of the problem?

A. Poorly adjusted brakes
B. Incorrect tyre pressure
C. Low levels of power steering fluid
D. A faulty handbrake

62. In what situation are other drivers allowed to flash their headlights at you?

A. To tell you that they are giving way to you
B. To warn you danger is ahead
C. To warn you when you're breaking the speed limit
D. To warn you of their presence

63. On a three-lane motorway which lane should you normally use?

A. Left
B. Right
C. Centre
D. Either the right or centre

64. Which type of crossing can detect when people are on them?

A. Puffin
B. Toucan
C. Zebra
D. Pelican

65. At what age does a car need its first MOT certificate?

A. 2 years old
B. 3 years old
C. 4 years old
D. 5 years old

66. A provisional licence holder must not drive a motor car

A. At night
B. On a dual carriageway
C. Alone
D. With passengers

67. Which vehicle may have to use a different course to normal at roundabouts?

A. Sports car
B. Van
C. Estate car
D. Long vehicle

68. You are travelling in heavy rain. Your overall stopping distance is likely to be :

A. Doubled
B. Halved
C. Up to ten times greater
D. No different

69. Before starting a journey it is wise to plan your route. How can you do this?

A. Look at a map
B. Contact your local garage
C. Look in your vehicle handbook
D. Check your vehicle registration document

70. Which of the following is the main cause of rear-end collisions?

A. Pedestrians crossing the road unexpectedly
B. Driving too close to the vehicle in front
C. Traffic lights
D. A wet road surface

71. You think the driver in the vehicle in front has forgotten to cancel their right indicator. You should

A. Flash your lights to alert the driver
B. Sound your horn before overtaking
C. Overtake on the left if there is room
D. Stay behind and not overtake

72. You are travelling along the left-hand lane of a three-lane motorway. Traffic is joining from a slip road. You should

A. Race the other vehicles
B. Move to another lane
C. Maintain a steady speed
D. Switch on your hazard lights

73. Car passengers MUST wear a seat belt if one is available, unless they are

A. In a vehicle fitted with airbags
B. Travelling within a congestion charging zone
C. Sitting in the rear seat
D. Exempt for medical reasons

74. You should never reverse

A. On a main road
B. At night
C. For longer than necessary
D. Into a side road

75. It is very windy. You are behind a motorcyclist who is overtaking a high-sided vehicle. What should you do?

A. Overtake the motorcyclist immediately
B. Keep well back
C. Stay level with the motorcyclist
D. Keep close to the motorcyclist

76. Coasting your vehicle whilst driving will..

A. Increase the control you have over the vehicle
B. Decrease the control you have over the vehicle
C. Make the car use more fuel
D. Reduce the vehicle's braking distance

77. When are you allowed to use a motorway hard shoulder?

A. To read a map
B. When your vehicle breaks down
C. To rest
D. To overtake slow moving traffic

78. It is illegal to drive with tyres that -

A. Have a large, deep cut in the sidewall
B. Are of different makes
C. Were bought second-hand
D. Are more than three years old

79. Before reversing you should always check:

A. The area behind you
B. Your side mirrors
C. All round
D. Your rear view mirror

80. Your anti-lock brakes warning light stays on. What should you do?

A. Have the brakes checked immediately
B. Check the brake fluid level
C. Check the handbrake is working
D. Perform an emergency stop

81. At which type of crossing are cyclists allowed to ride across with pedestrians?

A. Toucan
B. Puffin
C. Pelican
D. Zebra

82. What is the meaning of this sign?

A. Toll bridge ahead
B. Opening or swing bridge ahead
C. Humpback bridge ahead
D. Road ahead closed

83. You are on a well-lit motorway at night. You must

A. Use only your sidelights
B. Always use your headlights
C. Always use your rear fog lights
D. Use your headlights only in bad weather

84. A driver's behaviour has upset you. It may help if you

A. Stop and take a break
B. Shout abusive language
C. Gesture to them with your hand
D. Follow their car, flashing your headlights

85. You are driving past parked cars. You notice a bicycle wheel sticking out between them. What should you do?

A. Accelerate past quickly and sound your horn
B. Slow down and wave the cyclist across
C. Brake sharply and flash your headlights
D. Slow down and be prepared to stop for a cyclist

86. Any load that is carried on a roof rack should be

A. Securely fastened when driving
B. Loaded towards the rear of the vehicle
C. Visible in your exterior mirror
D. Covered with plastic sheeting

87. You are following a slow-moving vehicle on a narrow country road. There is a junction just ahead on the right. What should you do?

A. Overtake after checking your mirrors and signalling
B. Stay behind until you are past the junction
C. Accelerate quickly to pass before the junction
D. Slow down and prepare to overtake on the left

88. Which of the following is NOT allowed to travel in the right-hand lane of a three-lane motorway?

A. A vehicle towing a trailor
B. An estate car
C. A motorcycle
D. A mini bus

89. triangular road signs give:

A. Warnings
B. Information
C. Instructions
D. Directions

90. While driving a vehicle, at what distance MUST you be able to read a number plate?

A. 10 metres (33 feet)
B. 15 metres (49 feet)
C. 20.5 metres (67 feet)
D. 30 metres (98 feet)

91. When correcting a rear-wheel skid you should

A. Steer into the skid
B. Brake sharply
C. Steer away from the skid
D. roll with it

92. Travelling on a wet motorway with road spray you should

A. Turn on your hazard lights
B. Turn on your rear fog lights
C. Turn on your front fog lights
D. Turn your headlights to dipped mode

93. Some two-way roads are divided into three lanes. Why are these particularly dangerous?

A. Traffic in both directions can use the middle lane to overtake
B. Traffic can travel faster in poor weather conditions
C. Traffic can overtake on the left
D. Traffic uses the middle lane for emergencies only

94. You are waiting to emerge at a junction. Parked vehicles restrict your view. What can help you to see traffic on the road you are joining?

A. Looking for traffic behind you
B. Reflections of traffic in shop windows
C. Making eye contact with other road users
D. Checking for traffic in your interior mirror

95. When the fluid level in your battery is low you should top it up with

A. Tap water
B. Battery acid
C. Distilled water
D. Water that has been boiled

96. How should you react to drivers who appear to be inexperienced?

A. Sound your horn and warn them of your presence
B. Be patient and prepare for them to react more slowly
C. Flash your headlights to indicate that it is safe for them to proceed
D. Overtake them as soon as possible

97. A police officer asks to see your documents. You do not have them with you. You may be asked to take them to the police station with

A. 5 days
B. 7 days
C. 14 days
D. 21 days

98. You are approaching traffic lights that have been on green for sometime. You should

A. Accelerate hard
B. Maintain your speed
C. Be ready to stop
D. Brake hard

99. Vehicle excise duty is often called 'Road Tax' or 'The Tax Disc'. You must

A. Keep it with your registration document
B. Display it clearly on your vehicle
C. Keep it concealed safely in your vehicle
D. Carry it on you at all times

100. You are on a road that has no traffic signs. There are streetlights. What is the speed limit?

A. 20 mph
B. 30 mph
C. 40 mph
D. 50 mph

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